Monday, July 30, 2012

A Second Home

**This posting is taken from my first monthly newsletter. If you would like to read the entire newsletter, feel free to subscribe at the link above.


As we descended over the highlands of Guatemala City, I looked out the window and thought to myself, “welcome home.” Such a strange thought to not be in America! However, I know that God has been preparing my heart, and I feel a comfort here that makes it feel like a second home. I was graciously welcomed at the airport by Judy Kerschner, the founder of the New Life School, and Amy DeYoung, a social worker at the school. After our arrival, Judy spent the next few days showing us Antigua and helping me with all my errands. I am currently renting a room from a wonderful Christian family who has been so welcoming to me. I could not have asked for a smoother transition! God’s blessings continue to pour out each day here. It has also been a blessing to have my dad here for the week. He has seen the beauty of this country, the quality of the school, and the genuineness of the people. With his many years spent in Venezuela, he fits right in here and has been so helpful in setting up a new home for me. On Sunday, we visited the church of Christ in Antigua for the first time. We were greeted by 40-50 sincere, kindhearted Christians and made to feel right at home. I am excited about the opportunity to become a part of this family of believers. Despite the differences in culture and language, I can say with confidence that God has made me feel at ease in my second home!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it safely and are already feeling at "home". :)
