Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Great Start to a New Year

Please follow this link to my March newsletter.
It has been a busy month of exciting things going on here in Guatemala! Please read the newsletter attached to find out all the details. It is the season of Cuaresma, or Lent, here in Antigua, and Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is quickly approaching. This is a very busy season for the city of Antigua. There are processions throughout the streets each Sunday leading up to Holy Week, and then there will be processions throughout Holy week. More than a million people will visit Antigua this week. Needless to say, this week we will not have classes as it is a huge holiday here in Guatemala! Here is a picture of the processions in Antigua. The carpets you see are handmade entirely of painted wood shavings, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Pretty amazing!